Richard Cardenaz

Richard CardenazWith any difficulty we encounter in life, the obstacle it presents can vary from counting your toes to a mission impossible. Obstacles present themselves to an individual not as a result of seeing if the individual is worthy, but instead to test the individual on how truly they desire what lies beyond the obstacle. Many individuals desire to extend their education because of job advancement, self enrichment, and parents’ desire. While attending college, each individual must know or learn at least three important things to succeed in college. I believe the three most important things a person can learn in order to succeed in college are time management, proper spending habits, and responsibility.

Time is a continuous element that plays a vital role in everyone’s life. I believe this is one of the more important aspects a student should know or learn while attending college since professors don’t revolve around the student but instead vise versa. It is said that for every hour spent in class, the student must spend three hours outside of class studying or reviewing over the subject matter in order to successfully graduate college. Having time management as an over-developed habit ensures one to have a more successful, satisfied life. The ability to efficiently balance time consumed on work and leisure ensures one to be able to make the most out of life while also maintaining responsibility.

As of all the things in this world there is no such thing as a free meal. The cost of education after high school can be potentially enormous if the individual isn’t careful about their spending habits. A great deal of effort has been made by many individuals to help students with the expenses of college. Depending on which fork in the road the student takes to finance their schooling, the experience can be pleasant or excruciating. With financial aid and scholarships to help individuals who meet the requirements of either or both, the expenses of their schooling are covered. Loans of any sort can extremely escalate the price of tuition with interest making the burden of going to and paying for schooling much more troublesome. This is why financial planning is key.

The most important principle a college student must possess is responsibility. Without this trait, college students can be susceptible to all sorts of peer pressures, which could inevitably led the student to dropping out of college. This can be diverted if the individual is responsible enough to decide right from wrong in any given scenario. Since some things are better taught by experience instead of lectures, this leads to us to being human or, as some describe, imperfect. For any person on this Earth to become a fully mature adult, they must carry with them a certain level of responsibility.

In conclusion, starting college for the first time is also like starting high school all over again. Starting college as prepared as possible can never benefit anyone fully for the experience. With time management, proper spending habits, and responsibility, students can have a better chance of succeeding in college. Even with these skills in particular being learned to their fullest, each student will have to learn and adapt once put in an unfamiliar environment. Our humanity comes from making mistakes and having the ability to learn from them.

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