Daniel Ramirez

Daniel RamirezBeginning college is a great feeling, knowing that a student’s life is just getting started. So far, my entry into college has been fantastic. However, it isn’t very easy at some points. Struggling with homework and online lab work is very tough. Students have to be prepared and enthusiastic about their school work. With the right techniques— attendance, organization, and participation—college will be a stroll through park.

Attendance is definitely one of the most important techniques a student must maintain throughout college. Being on time in class everyday lets the teacher know that a student is in class to learn. It also keeps the student up to date and not fall behind on any assignments they may encounter. A friend of mine who also goes to college with me got dropped because of too many absences. His average in class was 96 percent. Although he did his assigned work, his attendance average was at 50 percent.  Be in class every day because attendance counts toward semester grades.

If a student goes to class and doesn’t have the right book or writing materials, what does that say? It says that the student is unorganized. Being organized is having one’s affairs in order to deal with college efficiently. One time a student walked into class and forgot their backpack at home. He went into class needing an extra book, a pen to write with, and paper to write on. The teacher told the student to never come back to his class unprepared and unorganized ever again.

Participation is an essential value while attending college. A student can’t just go to class and be quiet as a cricket with no input. A student always has to be confident and ask his or her professor if there are any problems. Also, when having discussions in the classroom, it is important to talk about the assignment to make sure there is clarification between the student and the professor. Participating in the classroom throughout a student’s college career will be very useful, just in case a student gets stuck in a bind.

If a first-time student is entering college, it’s tough! It’s completely different from high school’s schoolwork. What a student learn from college will stick with them for the rest of his or her lives, from the day they start and choose their major, until the day they graduate with a degree in his or her hand. However, as long as a student follows the three simple rules—attendance, organization, and participation—college success will be sitting in the student’s lap.

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