Jesse Martinez

Jesse MartinezStarting college is an important step in a lot of student’s lives and because it’s such an important step, it can be overwhelming for first-time students. But students can take many steps to help them succeed. Thinking about myself and my experience as a first-time college student, I can’t help but think about friends and family who have given me advice that helped me out and also about the helpful things I have learned the hard way from experience. Many things have helped  me get through college as a first-time student, but the three most important points that helped me are scheduling time, taking notes, and studying.  

Students have to deal with many things, and balancing time is probably the biggest problem they will have to face the student will need to schedule their time properly. One way scheduling time can work in the favor of the student is from the very start when choosing classes. New student needs to make sure they choose class times that don’t overlap and choose times that they can make a commitment to keeping. Another way scheduling time can be helpful is by making sure their classes are the most important thing they are committed to and schedule their time accordingly. Everything else needs to come second to there education if they want to be successful. Another reason way scheduling time is helpful is by making sure they make time to do all their school work because missing work and waiting until its overdue will affect their final grade greatly.

One really helpful thing I learned was taking notes. Many people over the course of the semester have told me this, and I learned how valuable doing something as little as taking notes can be. One reason it is so important is because you can’t remember everything you learn in class. By taking notes you can refer back to them when you forget what was said. Another important reason for taking notes is because I noticed in  most classes the professors will even tell you to take a note of something that they know will be on the final exam, so paying attention and writing them down can come in handy later. But most importantly, taking notes now while you’re a new student will lead students into making a habit of doing so, and by making a habit of it now will greatly help the students in their more difficult classes later.

One of the most important things you could ever do in college to help new students in any of his or her classes if to study. A new student needs to make sure to set a great amount of time to study for each of their classes if they really want to succeed. One way studying can help new students is in exams. If the students make sure to study before exams, they will greatly increase their score on the test. Also, I have noticed that the best students in class tend to be the ones who study the most. The reason for studying is because we cannot remember everything we learned.

On review, first-time students have many things to face when starting college and it can be overwhelming at times. To make things easier and more successful, you should start by scheduling your time in a way that would benefit your education the most. First-time students need to take notes. They will make a great amount of difference to you when reviewing for your exams. In addition, first-time students must study. Studying will help your retain most of the knowledge you gain in class and will greatly help your grades when exams come around. In conclusion, I find the three most important steps a first-time student can follow are scheduling time, taking notes, and studying. By taking these three steps you should greatly increase your success in college.

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