Luis Ibarra

Students must adopt a variety of strategies to be successful in college. One of these strategies is to study, which will definitely help you improve your grades in the long run. Listening is also another important strategy you will need to be successful in college. Finally, make sure you turn in everything in on time and do extra credit, as this will definitely help you out. The three most important things I believe a student must know to be successful in college are to study, listen, and turn everything in on time.

Studying will most likely help you get higher grades and hopefully help you pass your quizzes and your final exam. Throughout high school, I never felt the need to study as I always had better things to do. I still ended up studying a little, but not as much as I wish I would have studied to get a higher grade. Now that I am in college, I feel the need to study, which has helped me out a lot. I still struggle, as I’m not used to studying almost every single day, but I know that in the long run it will definitely be worth it.

Listening is important because if you don’t listen, then you won’t know what’s going on and what’s happening. Also, being able to listen to instructions will help you out as you will know what to do and when to do it. As from past experience, I have always listened to my teachers. That is why I feel that I ended up passing my classes as I always put attention to almost everything they said. This definitely helped me out, as I really did not study much, but by listening, I got decent grades.

It’s really common sense. If you turn in your work on time, you will end up getting a good grade than if you turn it late and lose some or all of the points, as some teachers don’t accept late work. Many people in college struggle with turning in their work on time. That is why some teachers offer extra credit work, which basically helps out the students who are not doing so good to bring up their grade as long as they do the extra credit. Extra credit work won’t boost up your grade, but it will definitely help you out in the long run.

Being successful in college takes determination, and making sure you do everything you can to be successful to achieve your goals is key. Studying, listening, turning your work in on time, and doing extra credit work will help you out. These simple things should be done by every student who attends college or is planning to attend college, as it will definitely help them out.

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